Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Christmas 2010

As you can tell from the last post Christmas this year well to be honest one of the worst. So far I can say it was the worst Christmas that we have had, just because Beckham was so miserable. The kids had a great time I think they did atleast.
Santa brought the Kids:
Cruz: New high chair
Beckham: A train table
Bella: A Pink DS
Hunter: A bow and arrow
We did the normal went to Grandma and Grandpa toms for a yummy breakfast. Then off to Grandma and Grandpa Dahls. Then we headed home watched a movie picked up and played with the kids toys. That night we headed to the hospital with beck poor little guy. We took the two older kids to my parents and they actually spend the night there. We took Cruz with us.
Josh did surprise me with a great present he got a massive self made for our wall I love it. He always thinks if the best gifts. I am not very good thinking about good gifts for him. The only thing that he wants is guns, and my husband is picky I am not going to spend that Kind of money on something that he does not like.

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