Sunday, September 12, 2010

I am so behind

Josh just down loaded all the pictures that we have and oh my we are so behind. We got a new camera and I have been lazy and I didn't ask Josh how to get the pictures off. I am sure that I could have figured it out but, pure lazy and pregnant was my excuse.
So there will be a picture blog post over load but I need to wait I think for the pictures to download.
We had the baby last night and oh my it was so fast it almost doesn't seem real that he is here. He was only 5 days early, so I am glad that he decided to come a little early at least. The pictures are story will just have to wait. It was to eventful just fast and painful.
I cant believe that I am a mom of 4 kids. How lucky and crazy at the same time am I. I feel so lucky to have 4 kids with Josh. What a amazing man to have a family with. He is such a good example to my three boys that I have no idea what I am doing still but learning everyday. Well anyway our 4th baby is here and he is darling. 7lbs 12 ounces. Cruz Jordan and he fits the Dahl boy mold.

1 comment:

Jordan and Jandee said...

congrats congrats, can't wait to meet Cruz!