Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Because well life has just taken over!

Well we are still alive and well in the dahl house. Life is just crazy as always. Four kids is definatly no picnic. There is always something that needs cleaned or picked up or cleaned. always someone crying or needs some kind of attention. So there it is people that is my lame excucse.
The kids are getting big way way to fast. If i really stopped to think about it, i would cry.
Hunter is in 4th grade and is loving it . He is at the hard age of wanting to be older and is but just not old enough.
Bella is in 1st grade and well loving it for you her is not the word. She had a hard time at first getting up and being gone all day. I think she is adjusted pretty good. She has Calin (Janices son) in her class so I think that helps that she has him in with her.
Beck well he gets more sassy as the days go on. He is great one minute and you want to give him away the next. He is 3 but not in preschool yet. We are holding him back a year. i didnt really feel like paying for preschool for three years.
Cruz The sweet sweet baby. He is one and oh my heck has the time just gone by way to fast. He is not walking but could if he wanted to. He sleeps like a champ and loves loves his dad. He tolerates me most days. But i think we have turned a corner and he is starting to think I am not so bad.
Josh is busy as ever. He started school again, and is amazing. I would never want to be a guy. He takes his role of being a dad provider and everything else so well. He never stresses and still continues to work and manages to get great grades at school.
Well i will do my best to stay caught up. i know i suck.

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