Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cruz Jordan Dahl


He is here. It has been a week since he has been here. He was born on September 11, 2010. It was on his Uncle Jakes birthday. Well the story of him getting here is kinda a short one really. On that Saturday I was kinda feeling different. I was having some contractions. They were not completely consistent and not to painful, but different. So that whole day I was kind of wondering if it was the day. Josh and I had decided that we would lay Beckham down for his nap and then if i was still feeling the same we would go in. Well Beck took his nap, Josh went to our friends to watch a football game and I tried to relax as much as possible. Beck woke up I called Josh to come home and we were kinda get ready to go. Then I had a huge contraction and my water broke. It was panic mode for both Josh and I. I think more Josh poor guy. He was trying so hard to get us ready and get out of the house. My whole family was in Salt Lake so we called them and told them to turn around. We just had Beckham with us because Hunter and Isabella were at Josh parents. On the way to the Hospital I was trying to stay strong and brave for Beckham and Josh. Josh hates to see me in pain so I didn't want to show him how much pain I had. We got to the hospital got in a room and they checked me I was a 5. So we thought oh good we have tons of time. While I was getting my IV and epidural I told Josh to take Beckham out of the room. He was getting upset and to be honest so was Josh. I was in a ton of pain. The most pain I have ever felt. So while I was getting all that done my family and Josh's mom showed up. Thank goodness they took Beckham and Josh came in the room just as I was feeling so much better. Epidurals are amazing. Woman that can endure that pain of natural child birth are amazing, there is no way I could. I pushed 4 times or 1 1/2 contractions. So Cruz Jordan was born 7:10 pm on Saturday. He was 5 days early, to be honest not as early as I thought but they come when they are good and ready. To sum it up my water broke at 5pm and he was born just two hours later. Oh my he was fast. I think I was in shock for a couple days because it was so fast. I think it took Josh a couple days to unwind to.
Cruz is a good baby. The kids love him Beckham loves him more each day. We are so lucky to have him in our family. I am so blessed to have 4 healthy children and three great boys. I learn something new everyday. Josh is still home for another week to help me. He is such a amazing help. I dont want him to go back to work, but he is starting to get board so I hope he makes it though this last week. I am scared and excited to see how I adjust to 4 kids. So if I look like crap and tired just go with it, at least for a while.


Melissa O said...

He's adorable. Seriously love his guts. Love you too you sexy lady giving birth. Holy cow. If you need anything you know my number. :)

Kayla said...

Jen- Congrats! I didnt know you had even had him! Some Neighbor I am. I hope you are recovering okay! I love the pictures!

And you always look gorgeous! You are such a good mother! Cant wait to see him. I will have to text you and stop by!

Nicole said...

Congrats! He is so cute!!!